The herta is a hybrid drum rudiment from the single stroke family of drum rudiments. It’s made up of two fast singles followed by two slower singles. It’s often described as being a single stroke double or a single stroke drag, since the two fast singles sound pretty much like a double or a drag, respectively. In this free drum lesson, South Africa’s drummer extraordinaire Cobus Potgieter, alongside his trustworthy side kick Jared Falk, teaches you how to play and practice the herta, and how to apply it specifically within drum fills.
Cobus’s method for teaching and learning drums is done 100% by ear. It may sound a little scary to learn the content within this free drum lesson totally by ear; but the more you do it, the more it will come natural to you. Training your ears is something that will actually improve your ability to reproduce the drum parts from your favorite songs, as well as your rhythmic sense and musicality when coming up with drum parts for music or improvising on the spot.
The concept you’ll learn how to apply to your drum set with this free drum lesson is an advanced one. It’s important that you’ve been through the basics before you commit to this free drum lesson, otherwise, you may find yourself on the receiving end of a big whoopin, courtesy of the herta sweep! To avoid this, work on mastering the herta in a step-by-step approach. We encourage you to do so by going through the free drum lesson on the single stroke roll first and foremost. Having a solid single stroke roll will make it that much easier to go between the fast and slower notes with clean sounding strokes, which will in turn have you playing luscious sounding hertas.
If you’re curious about who Cobus Potgieter is and how he plays, check the free live drum lesson “Cobus Potgieter Live #1“. If you more interested in learning a new but cool concept using another one of the drum rudiments, check the free drum lesson “Double Stroke Sweep“.
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It’s nice to see something as simple as these strokes developed into and presented as a concept that is relatively easy to play, sounds musical…and will engage novices and pros alike. I first saw what is called the Herta here presented by Chet Doboe in his Dial-a-Drum book (one could also phone in to hear a recording of the audio example) a few decades ago. It was called the Simon Phillips ‘Better Watch Out’ (which was also switched up to ‘Out Better Watch’).
So, thank you for this. Knowing that something I learned all those years ago is a hip and happening Herta today somehow makes me feel ‘with it’, especially after a chat where I asked a young bassist/keyboard friend if my drumming sounded dated (she hears me practicing). ‘Some of it,’ was her response. LOL
i love these! i don’t know if anyone here listens to drum corps but this is one of those common hybrid rudiments (with the cheese, book report, eggbeater, etc). taking those rudiments and putting them on a drum set create a funkier sound than the norm. i learned hertas by listening to my marching bands drum break (it was quite a test of the ear)
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Hehe at the end Cobus hits the microphone but still a very awesome lesson!
Hola soy Luceda de 1baD, tambie9n me llamf3 la atencif3n el tedtulo del libro y busque9 de que tratbaa:Se trata de un pueblo venido a menos tanto en lo econf3mico como en lo moral. No soportamos a los deme1s ni nos soportamos a nosotros mismos y los otros tampoco nos soportan , dice en algfan momento la voz de la nif1a que narra la historia. La historia que cuenta Herta Mfcller en Niederungen es, en buena parte, una historia de represif3n permanente y de incomunicacif3n que empieza por la vida familiar y sigue con las relaciones de los individuos con el estado. Las descripciones cotidianas se mezclan con historias tomadas de supersticiones populares y con leyendas lo que hizo que en su momento la forma de hacer literatura recordare1 al credtico Friedrich Christian Delius los recursos utilizados por el mexicano Juan Rulfo en Pedro Pe1ramo.
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he maybe very good at it but jared is still a good teacher.hey jared,why dont you learn it from him then teach us the slow motion of it.thanks
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Tony Royster used this fill in “10 minutes with ASAP” and i’ve been looking for lessons on it ever since. Cheers…
Fun lesson!! Thanks! Love the hertas. I had to build them up to 120bpm for a rudimental quartet piece I did. Can’t wait to incorporate onto the set.
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Great lesson. All videos are being very helpfull, I started playing drums by ear and your videos are helping me to organize my ideas, and to know a lot of new stuff for me. Thx very much!!
Man, I can’t wait until the Cobus Method comes out! I’m going to try to get Bass Drum Secrets and The Drum Fill System too. I already have The Drumming System, so I can’t wait to get the other stuff.
Hey i like Thz lesson very very much thankx a lot jared ! thankx a lot Cobus! i really lve the lessons stuff you give.. itz a new concept everyday!!! thts why i like it very much!!! THANK YOU!! REGARDS FROM SRI LANKA!!
Best part of the vid by miles is that lil groove around the 8.30 mark
i learnt to play drums by ear myself and now am finally taking formal lessons after 6 years of drumming.
seeing stuff written out is funny cause i can’t play it right until i hear the pattern played, and that’s why i love Jared’s lessons, cuz i get to hear it first, try to work it out, then see what it looks like written.
Could we have a rough script for that and a few of the fills? seeing you have it ready jared
I do have it but one of the lessons within this lesson was to really work on training your ear. It may be a grind at first, but if you do it, you’ll be miles ahead of the pack…
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Lucian, din pacate, iar ai drtteape. Insa indignatii ar face bine sa-si inventeze propriile premii pentru marii-scriitori-iubitori-de-neam-si-tara Adrian Paunescu, Corneliu Vadim Tudor, Dinu Sararu etc., si sa nu mai invidieze ipocrit premiile cosmopolite din putredul Occident. Altminteri, viata lor peceristofila va fi tare acra.P.S. Herta e Herta, nu Hertha, ca Hertha (Berlin).