Blues Drum Lessons

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Reply to Stan Dobbie

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  • Victor says:

    This is really a great work, thanks to Jared Falk and every other person making efforts to put these ideas and skills through to us, tiredlessly and selflessly. I’ve really improved since when i met this site. 🙂 KUDOS!

  • Nancy says:

    Is the music written somewhere? It says Book 2 pg 41, but I don’t know where to find it.

  • Ron Lang says:

    I like Jared’s way of teaching better, he breaks it down and explains the way it should sound slow before speeding up, i like the beats, but feel your rushing into the fast stuff, its hard to keep up without knowing whats going on. I cant read music so im practicing by ear and sight, and its just too rushed for me. Great lesson though, the more i listen i pick up more and more.

  • bernard balcuk says:

    Keep it up. I’m having a lot of fun learning new and old stuff.

  • Stan Dobbie says:

    Very helpful. Thank you. I got my first drum set in 1969 and practiced hard & played until about 1974. Got distracted by life after high school and first year of college but recently assembled another drum set. It’s all coming back to a degree. Now, however, I realize how much I did not know. I am certainly enjoying.
    Thank you again.

  • kostas pagonidis says:

    thank you very much!