Basic Heel-Toe Technique

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  • Miloš says:

    This is great as always. Every lesson is very useful and helpful. Thank you very much. Greetings

  • Alexander says:

    Thanks jared! this will help me to develop my foot skills in base drum.

  • Roman says:


  • Roman says:

    Gracias de Nuevo Maestro Jared!!!!!,No conocia esta tecnica…

  • raymond says:

    starting to get the hang of drumming now thanks to youre lessons they realy help me–

  • Ryan says:

    really nice. thanks

  • Travis Varble says:

    thx Jared Ive seen ya diff vid of you showing this tech. but this was a better version. I have been using this tech. for a while and actually found it by accident. but i never understood the mechanics of it until i started watching the tutorials. still working on the left foot though. when I try rolls I end up getting 3 hits out of my right foot and one out of my left.

  • Ron Berry says:

    Hi, Jared I,m working on it with one foot then the other then both
    it is a little hard right now but I will get it or it will get me
    some times with a cramp in a foot or two but I won,t give up.

  • wayne says:

    thanks for lesson myself have had both of my feet cut open to the bone from broken glass bottles thats both feet diffrent times and places from before i was 10 years old so at the best of time im playin with just me left an right toe an heel it was 10 surg. stichs to each foot with staples in side for tendons an muscles which as left me quite numb an painful every day since add break an fracture since. staples where used for big toe to heel an one the 3 middle toes to heel muscle. so im goin to keep practicin anyway weather i want a drum kit when i was five or fifty which i had for 6 m0nths me own christmas present thanks heaps p.s me mum just had this dec. an jan. months 5 stainless steel 2mm pins in each toe r/foot for arthritis to straightin want send u,s all a pic but u,s wont like me.sorry grang greng gring grong grung

  • Antoinne says:

    Nice video, just what i need to work on

  • afif khairi says:

    how great

  • Ashu says:

    it’s real rocking jared

  • Martin says:

    Hey Jarad
    I am 68 and am giving this tecnique a try out .Its pretty cool

  • milgan narvaez says:

    thank’s a lot.!!!!!!!!

    • Honorius Gulmatico says:

      Man, Jared, I love your videos but wow, I understand you’re really trying articulate what you’re saying but Are you sure you didn’t just come back from yoga class? In your previous videos you seem a bit more perkier 🙂