Samba Over 8th Note Triplets


Reply to raymond alcala

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  • Tom Cox says:

    Hi Jared,
    That was also great. I have just tried it along with you and it’s going to take a lot of practise to get my left hand doing triplets while my right hand is doing 1/16th notes!



  • haha says:


  • Paulo, Brasil says:

    Yes. Good! Sorry! But I don’t speak english…mas com se trata de um ritmo brasileiro, tomo a liberdade de escrever em português. Seguem algumas dicas importantes sobre o samba. Primeiro, o samba não é em 4/4. Não se conta 1 e 2 e 3 e 4. Definitivamente não! O Samba é 2/4. Assim: 1 e 2 e 1 e 2…etc. Outra coisa importante: faça a condução com 4 notas por tempo, 8 notas por copasso. Assim: 1 i e ta, 2 i e ta, 1 i e ta, 2 i e ta,…etc. Espero ter ajudado.

    Abraços do Brasil!!!

    • Janado says:

      Translating what Paulo wrote:

      But I don’t speak english…but since this is about a Brazilian rhythm, I’ll take the freedom to write in Portuguese. Here are some important tips about the samba. First of all, the samba is not played in 4/4. It shouldn’t be counted – 1 and 2 and 3 and 4, definitely not! The samba is played in 2/4, like so: 1 and 2 and 1 and 2…etc. One other important thing: you should ride the samba with 4 notes per beat or 8 notes per bar, thus counting it like this: 1 e and ah 2 e and ah 1 e and ah 2 e and ah…etc. Hope this helps.

      Hugs from Brazil!!!

      Abraço Paulo.


  • Rudy A. Jones says:

    Like the “Samba” with little tastes of crips, snap-ups eigth notes. Thank you, Jared.

  • wayne says:

    well back again want to sent u,s all a pic of me right bicep muscle which has broken away from shoulder bone left me with a concave hollow in me arm an left shoulder still goes off with a broken dislocate pop i know i fell 5m land fair an square on a abestos an lime with extra hardin concrete surface well say broke the left hand side of my body u might say ..pelvis was a goner knee hip spinal neck vibrae back of one skull was huge to say the lest but my jaw was broken too .the surface did not smack me in the face mind u. so keepin those counts an strokes with u jared as my playin back drums is much enjoyed the rib inplant to my back was redislocated while practicein some lessons back much more to tell thanks heaps jared wavwawwaxwaywaz

  • raymond alcala says:

    very nice thank you jared i love samba……God bless you..

  • Timothy says:

    wow its just cool, I think the more practice i make perfection will meet my objective.Thanks Jared, these beats have brought me to a height.

  • Ellis says:

    Where can I find this written out in notation if you did so?

  • darren says:

    Cool,thanx Jared.Got it goin,just need to keep on practicing to make it smooth & comfortable. This makes my second Latin beat that i have learned.I really enjoy & have learned alot from your website.I look foward to more. Thanx again,Darren.

  • rendy ferdiansyah says:

    I’m sorry,I don’t speaking english with good because
    I’m from indonesia . . . .
    I’m understand beat samba from you ….
    Thank’s before

  • Ron Feltman says:

    Oh heck!

    The “Comment” box didn’t recognize the spaces between notes to be played.

    Sorry about this!

    Jarred, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about here! Perhaps you could provide a pdf file for your students describing this alternaye notation!


  • Ron Feltman says:


    It might be easier to comprehend the basic triplet beat if it was performed using an eighth note samba pattern!

    Note: The x’s indicate where a given foot or hand plays (thus the bass drum plays on 1, the an of 2, the 3, and the an of 4; and the HH plays on 2 and 4; etc.)

    Bass 1..an..2..an..3..an..4..an
    x x x x

    H.H 1..an..2..an..3..an..4..an
    x x

    Cym x x x x x x

    The left hand then would play three over two triplets

    (triplet) (triplet) (triplet) (triplet)
    x x x x x x

    Thus if the student can play what amounts to quarter note triplets (basically 6 over 4) the notation would allow him to see more clearly the structure of the triplet over samba beat.

    The lesson was fine, just thought you might be interested in this alternate notation, which is really only counting the pattern differently!

  • Jay Ramsey says:

    Haha! Nice lesson, going to need to do that lesson at a much slower tempo than you did on the vid Jared.

  • Jimmy says:

    Very useful stuff here. Ever since my near-a-year drum hiatus I´ve been having some problems with left foot independance mainly. Definitly gonna practice this and I think it´ll help. Thanks Jared!

  • lucas says:

    very nice